发表时间:2024-05-24 16:25作者:鼠来宝生物 在心血管研究中,Cre-loxP系统被广泛应用于特定心血管细胞类型的基因编辑,用于研究心血管发育、功能和疾病模型的构建。以下是一些在心血管研究中重要的Cre小鼠品系(依名称字母排序)及相关的参考论文: 1. Cdh5-Cre (VE-cadherin-Cre)Alva, J.A., et al. (2006). “VE-Cadherin-Cre-recombinase transgenic mouse: a tool for lineage analysis and gene deletion in endothelial cells.” Developmental Dynamics, 235(3), 759-767. 2. Isl1-CreLaugwitz, K.L., et al. (2005). “Isl1-induced cardiac progenitor cells repaired infarcted mouse hearts.” Nature, 460(7251), 116-120. 3. Mef2c-CreArnold, M.A., et al. (2007). “Mef2c is a direct transcriptional target of ISL1 and GATA factors in the anterior heart field during mouse embryonic development.” Developmental Dynamics, 236(8), 2184-2197. 4. Myh6-Cre (αMHC-Cre)Agah, R., et al. (1997). “Gene recombination in postmitotic cells. Targeted expression of Cre recombinase provokes cardiac-restricted, site-specific rearrangement in adult ventricular muscle in vivo.” The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 100(1), 169-179. 5. Myh11-CreHu, Y., et al. (2005). “Smooth muscle cell-specific runx2 deficiency inhibits vascular calcification.” Circulation Research, 96(6), 636-645. 6. Nkx2.5-CreMoses, K.A., et al. (2001). “Embryonic expression of an Nkx2-5/Cre gene using ROSA26 reporter mice.” Genesis, 31(4), 176-180. 7. Pdgfrα-CreSoriano, P. (1994). “Abnormal kidney development and hematological disorders in PDGF beta-receptor mutant mice.” Genes & Development, 8(16), 1888-1896. 8. Pdgfrβ-CreSoriano, P. (1999). “Generalized lacZ expression with the ROSA26 Cre reporter strain.” Nature Genetics, 21(1), 70-71. 9. Smpd1-Cre (ASM-Cre)Schuchman, E.H., et al. (1992). “Molecular cloning and expression of cDNA for murine acid sphingomyelinase, a disease gene associated with Niemann-Pick disease.” The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 267(12), 8537-8541. 10. Tie2-CreKisanuki, Y.Y., et al. (2001). “Tie2-Cre transgenic mice: a new model for endothelial cell-lineage analysis in vivo.” Developmental Biology, 230(2), 230-242. 结语 |